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Guided tours

Guided tours 

Old town 

Discover our beautiful city on a classical guided tour. Winding alleys, lovely restored half-timbered houses, picturesque market squares, impressive churches...

Our tour guides take you on an informative walk through the old town and entertain you with historic facts and amusing stories about Gelnhausen.

Duration: 1:30 h - max. 30 persons/tour, price: 70,- 

Old town and imperial palace 

The Imperial Palace is said to be the best-preserved palace of the Staufer dynasty. The Red-Beard-Fortress, as the citizens of Gelnhausens like to call it, lies at the foot of the historic old town. On a guided tour through the park-like complex and the charming old town you'll get to know why Gelnhausen was already so popular among the Staufen emperors.

 2:00 h - max. 30 persons/tour, price: 75,- € plus entrance fee to the Imperial palace: 2 € per adult,  1,50 € per student, 1 € per kindergartner

St. Mary's church 

Situated on the site of a small one-nave church, it grew over five building stages to become the famous landmark of our town: St. Mary's church - also called “the Crown Jewel of God”.  The various master builders used the local material, Gelnhausen sandstone, and succeeded in creating an architectural masterpiece of balanced harmony. Whereas in the western parts of the church Romanesque is the dominating style, the transept and eastern parts display strong Gothic influences. In particular, the rood screen with its representation of the Last Judgement enjoys international recognition as a unique work of art.

Duration: 1:00 h- max. 30 persons/tour, price: 65,- €

St. Mary's church and organ concert

The wonderful acoustics of the three-aisled basilica cannot be described - you have to listen with your own ears! After the tour of the St. Mary's church you have the opportunity to enjoy a 15-minute organ concert.

A perfect end of the tour, during which you can enjoy the magnificent church interior around you.

Duration: 1:15  h max. 30 persons/tour, price: 95,- €

Imperial palace

In the late 12th century the town’s founder, the Emperor Frederic Barbarossa, ordered the construction of his Imperial palace on an island in the river Kinzig. Today the remains are considered the best-preserved palace of the Staufer dynasty. The powerful walls rest on a bed of approximately 12,000 oak stakes. The portal, the well-preserved window arcades, the magnificent frieze and the wonderful capitals still bear witness to the outstanding quality of its Romanesque architecture.

Duration: 1:00 h - max. 30 persons/tour, price: 65 ,- €  plus entrance fee Imperial palace: 2 € per adult, 1,50 € per student, 1 € per kindergartner

Witches' tower

Nibble, nibble, like a mouse, Who is nibbling at my house? The image of the old fairytale witch is still present in everyone head. But where is that image coming from? 

The collection of copies of torture instruments in the Witches' tower shines a light on a dark chapter of our history.  The herbal garden right next to the tower shows the various herbs that were used to heal every kind of illness - one of the experts on their healiong effects was the famous Hildegard von Bingen.

Duration: 45  min. - max. 30 persons/tour, price: 62,- €

Former synagogue

As the baroque building of the former synagogue had already been converted into a vegetable warehouse, it did not suffer damage during the period of National Socialism. The Jewish community in Gelnhausen was among the earliest in Germany - it was firstr mentioned in 1251.
(Please carry a head covering to this guided tour.)

Duration: 45  min. - max. 30 persons/tour, price:  62,- €

Ready for history

Discover Gelnhausen - relive history! 
The cobbled streets of the old town are the perfect setting for a special history experience. On our way through the alleyways we will leave the third millennium behind and meet citizens from the past. They will take you on a journey through the past 850 years of Gelnhausen, share their story and interesting background information on the historic buildings.

Duration: 1:30 h - max. 30 persons/tour, price: 186,- €


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